^^^^Featuring Bernie Beetle, this first story in the series, tells of two weddings, one of which goes horribly wrong; with a second one being put in great danger, thanks to Bernie Beetle’s young nephew’s (the young Ugly Grubs) who nearly manage to ruin the whole event.
^^^^This story, also tells how Bernie and all the other creatures had to deal with and adapt to a lot of changes going on around them during the time of the two weddings.
^^^^At first things are very good for the creatures of the area. With few humans around, they have the whole area to themselves to start off with. With many overgrown gardens around them, they have plenty of food and cover to hide in; but all that soon changes! Gradually humans return to the area and start to build on any spare pieces of ground they can find, forcing many of the creatures to find new homes.
^^^^Fortunately Bernie Beetle is on hand to oversee all these difficult situations.